Although they may have already had experience of providing effective counselling and psychotherapy sessions online before the pandemic, many practitioners have had to learn how to deliver therapy exclusively via online platforms, particularly during lockdown
As many clients would agree, having the experience of counselling or psychotherapy online is often no different to having therapy face to face. For some people, it actually suits them better. If you travel regularly, live abroad or in a remote location with few therapy services, online work can bridge the gap or be a permanent and effective method of accessing the support you need.
We all lead busy lives so struggling to get to a therapy appointment each week can turn into yet another stressful situation that needs to be factored in. Coming for therapy should be a space in which the stresses of the outside world can be left outside within a pause space in which you can focus on your self. It might even be that you feel more comfortable or safer talking to a therapist online. Enabling you to talk about things in a deeper way than you otherwise might if they were in the same room.
As long as you have a computer, you can access online therapy. The most popular platforms are Skype, FaceTime and Zoom. Alternatively, therapy can be conducted over the phone if this is the method that works best for you. For more information regarding safe online meetings go to: https://www.getsafeonline.org/
If you choose to have your therapy online, I will send you a link via email. Usually this would be via Zoom. Zoom has a section in the web invitation directing you to Click Here. Just follow that link and your therapist will let you into the remote therapy “room”.
Something to consider is the strength of your broadband signal - does it have the capacity to conduct online meetings? I am experienced in connecting remotely for online therapy and should be able to help sort out any teething problems.
In addition to your computer security, you might need to think about how private you can be in having your sessions online. Is there a space where you can speak openly and without being interrupted?
Therapy lasts for 50 minutes and tends to costs £75 for individual sessions.
Counselling is most effective when conducted weekly for as long as feels helpful and productive. Your therapist will agree with you on the number of sessions that are likely to prove most effective but normally 6 sessions would be the optimal number for achieving lasting and sustainable results. The first initial session is free.
Click on the link below to book a 30-minute free consultation to see if we are a good fit to successfully work together.